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It is a pride of traditional Chinese medicine technologies. This preparation – a biological immune system regulator – is distinguished for a strong impact on a human body. It is widely used as an effective preventive measure, as well as in the cases of oncological, heart and blood vessel and other chronic diseases.
In the production of supplement oral liquid “Phoenix” Chinese Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is used, which grows in China, Qinghai-Tibet mountain range, this product also contains other higher fungus: Linchzhi (Ganoderma lucidum), Aromatic fungus (Lentinus edodes) and other components. In the production of the preparation oral liquid “Phoenix”, just like oral liquid “Sanbao” the most advanced methods of cell splitting and extraction methods are used: multifunctional low-temperature extraction, above critical extraction, effective multi component purification, effective colonial chromatography and vacuum concentration. The production of the preparation was based on molecular projection theory, this is why it was possible to achieve an optimal solubility of different biologically active components, a selection of chemical linkage energies, an interaction of molecular space structures and even better product assimilation.
Main ingredients:
Chinese Cordyceps – 75%
Linchzhi – 6%
Aromatic fungus – 6%
Young bamboo shoots – 5%
Honey – 2%
Package contains: 30ml x 4 bottles
Expiration date: 18 months since the production date
Storing conditions: store in a dark and dry place, keep an open bottle in a dark and cool place.
The method of taking of oral liquid “Phoenix” and oral liquid “Three treasures”
It is the best to take oral liquids when getting up in the mornings (from 6 to 9). Before taking it is recommended to rinse your mouth, brush your teeth and tongue and drink half a glass of warm water. Then take the required amount of the preparation, with the help of the enclosed straw, or in order to dose the preparation more accurately, graduated syringe. An open bottle should be kept in dark and cool place. You can have breakfast in about half an hour. If you use more than one Cordyceps preparation you can use them before lunch and dinner.
Preventive usage
For adults – 3.0 – 5.0ml per day; duration – 1 – 2 months. Seasonal usage of the preparation is advisable – in spring and autumn and before the outburst of virus infections (flu, etc.).
For children smaller doses are prescribed, depending on their age.
Usage indications and duration in the cases of different diseases
Heart and blood vessel system diseases (atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, myocardium infarct, the condition after it, blood vessel thrombosis, thrombophlebits, irregular heartbeat, hypertonia, etc.): 2-3 months;
Moving apparatus diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.): 1 – 2 months (different Cordyceps preparations should be used for a long time);
Allergies: 3 – 4 months;
Autoimmune diseases: 3 – 4 months;
Blood diseases (the first treatment stage): 1 package (4 bottles);
Other diseases – treatment duration is chosen individually.
In the cases of cataract and glaucoma preparation oral liquid “Phoenix” should be dripped in the eyes 1 – 2 times a day. If there is a burning feeling in the eyes, the preparation can be diluted with distilled water in proportion 1:1 and dripping continued. Honey does not usually cause allergy, but if it happens, stop dripping. Treatment duration – up to 2 months.
In the cases of purulent angina, it is recommended to rinse the throat with preparation “Phoenix” (3 – 5ml) 2 – 3 times a day. Rinsing time – 3 – 5 minutes.
In the cases of sudden fever with different viruses and bacterial infections, it is recommended to take large onetime doses of the preparation: approximately ½ of a bottle for adults, and if the effect is insufficient – it is possible to take more. Usually disease symptoms either disappear or weaken, and the fever subsides in from 20 – 30 minutes to 2 – 3 hours.